juli's corner

In this corner you will find school projects and some things about me. Like my best friends, my family, the persons that I most love in this world and others.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My BeSt FrIeNDs

Friends are persons that are with you in good ones, best freinds are there for you when you neded in good ones and in bad ones.
Friends, are not going to tell you what did you did wrong, or what if that looks god to you, best friends always will tell you the truth whatever it is.
A friend will not negañar, best frends always ________ when you are doing something correct.
Everybody have 40, 50, 60 or more freinds but you cant say they all are your best friends because what is a real friends is not found in every corner.
I have friends but real freinds I can count them with the finger of my hand.


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